Can you illustrate the convenience of MIK in a unique way?
We created a compelling brand video that clearly showcases the power and simplicity of the MIK system. The flexibility and freedom that MIK provides for consumers is highlighted in the video. We achieved this by showcasing the versatility of the system in various situations. MIK is for everyone! By combining 2D and 3D techniques, we bring this unique animation to life.
Explained in One Minute
In addition to the brand video, we also created three explainers, in which we explained the three most important products of MIK. This makes it clear in one minute how you can easily install the MIK system on a bike. To make a clear distinction between the brand video and the explainers, the styles differ. Yet, it is immediately visible that it is the same brand. The styles are complementary and match the branding of MIK.
Finally, we have created illustrations for other communication purposes. Each illustration depicts a situation in which a MIK product can be used. The character set and situations are as diverse as possible to appeal to as many people as possible.